Exodus and the divine humor 10. Vayyakhel
Exodus and the divine humor 9. Ki Thissa
Exodus and the divine humor 8. Tetzaveh
Exodus and the divine humor 7. Terumah
Exodus and the divine humor 6. Mishpatim
Exodus and the divine humor 5. Yithro
Exodus and the divine humor 4. Beshallach
Exodus and the divine humor 3. Bo
Exodus and the divine humor 2. Va'ayra
Exodus and the divine humor 1. Shemoth
Song of Songs 1
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Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon
Shir Hashirim in Hebrew celebrates a union of love, giving the masculine and the feminine voices equal space. Regardless of its eroticism, it was kept in the Jewish canon of scripture because it was perceived as an allegory for restoring cosmic harmony, and the role of humanity in it.
The Movement for the Liberation of our Narrative
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This is the last video in this sequence
That brings together the different stages of transformational process that the text suggests
It also brings to the surface the subnarrative of women's condition that reappears again and again in a symbolic way
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A recurring dream
Will reappear until we will listen to it
Joseph solves recurring dreams
In the only way they can be solved
By awakening
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A recurring dream
Will reappear until we will listen to it
Joseph solves recurring dreams
In the only way they can be solved
By awakening
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What does the name Joseph in Hebrew mean?
To-add, expand
Leaving our private awareness
Entering Collective awareness
When we change the order of the letters of YoSePh
The result is: “PiYuS” reconciliation
And when we change the order of the letters of his dress
A coat of stripes
The word "stripes" turns into “reconciled”
And the word
becomes molten
from a solid state of matter
into liquid
As a symbol of the capacity to contain transformation
In order to rise, one has to fall
And in order to reconcile
There must first be conflict
Jacob and the Angel
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After Jacob establishes the vertical axis of spirituality symbolized by the ladder, he establishes the horizontal, social axis of humanity and its environment.
He is transformed and his name changed from Jacob to Israel,
from Jacob (the follower, the subordinated one) to the leading one- Israel.
Israel consists of the words straight (Yashar) +God (El)
We can understand the word "Yashar” in this context, to mean that by acts of social justice and moral integrity Sacredness is revealed.
Using internal struggles as a vehicle for transformation and accelerating growth rather then projected them outward.
The First Human to Wake up
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When God put Adam to sleep
It does not say anywhere that the Adam wakes up
Jacob is the first human to awake up
He "Mekits"-
which in Hebrew means-
To put an end to
Our human state of slumber
Which preceded this moment
....And oops, we are awakened...
What will be our first sober action?
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Jacob, in the story of “Toldot” (Chronicles) defrauds Esau of his birthright and thereby changes the whole development of the narrative.
The birthright may be looked as a symbol of the question of whether there is a “chronological truth” in our narrative.
When our narrative is structured around trauma, We experience it constantly in the present, But the present tense is also our opportunity and the “gateway” to penetrate the narrative and "free" it and ourselves from the trauma.
2 Chayyeh Sarah
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It is written in the text "Shnay Chayye Sarah"
We can understand it as the number of years of Sarah.
Or the number of simultaneous lives of Sarah.